Every year, LLC company owners are required by Massachusetts State law to file for their LLC annual report with the State of Massachusetts.
In this case, filing an LLC annual report is essential for compliance and maintaining a good record with the State of Massachusetts. Likewise, another reason for this is to avoid the dissolution of your LLC company.
With that said, this article will guide you through the steps of filing your annual LLC report in Massachusetts.
When to File Your LLC’s Annual Report?
The annual report should be filed every year from the time you filed your LLC initial report. The due date of the annual report is the same date your LLC was formed/approved the following year. Note that you can submit your LLC annual report to the State of Massachusetts anytime before your due date.
If your LLC was formed and approved on September 9, 2020, your LLC annual report deadline is due on the 9th of September, 2021, and also every year.
To avoid forgetting your annual report filing, you must always include it on your calendar of activities.
For example, you can create a reminder on your phone or calendar to help you remember around one to two months before the due date to avoid missing the filing.
On the other hand, if it’s your first year to file for LLC annual reports, it’s due the year after the approval of your LLC application.
If you want to double-check the date when the state approved your LLC, it’s best to check your LLC’s Certificate of Formation. You can also search for your LLC here and check the date of organization with the State of Massachusetts.
What Are the Requirements You Need to Prepare?
Before you file, make sure that you have these documents or information prepared. Preparing these documents beforehand can help prevent any delays during the process.
- State-issued LLC entity number
- Date of organization
- Massachusetts Business EIN (entity identification number)
- Other important details about your company, such as:
- Your registered agent
- Its registered office address
- Officers/directors or partners updated contact information
- Insurance policy information including your proof of insurance, the insurance company’s name, the insurer’s name, and the policy date.
- Your signature and title if you are the one filing the report.
- 500 USD filing fee. However, there is an additional 20 USD on top of the filing fee if you’re filing online.
What Will Happen If I Don’t File My Company’s LLC Annual Report?
Not filing your company’s LLC annual Report in Massachusetts will result in the administrative dissolution of your company by the State of Massachusetts. Your LLC will first be made delinquent as a warning. However, if you do not heed the warning, your LLC will then be administratively dissolved.
Where to File the LLC Annual Report?
Fortunately, filing your company’s LLC annual Report is now easier. You can file your LLC annual report online through the online filing system for Corporations.
The state also allows for submission through the mail and in person. For submission through the mail, you will start by downloading the annual report form, print the form, complete it, and then hand-deliver or mail it along with the check or money order for payment of the 500 USD filing fee for the annual report to the address:
Secretary of the Commonwealth
One Ashburton Place, Room 1717
Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1512
You can also submit through fax along with a cover sheet for Fax voucher to (617) 624-3891.
How to File Your LLC annual Report online: A Step-by-Step Guide
To help you file your company’s LLC annual Report, this article has outlined the steps of the process. Check them out below.
Step 1: Go to the State of Massachusetts’s online filing system for Corporations.
Step 2: Input your LLC ID and your PIN. If you don’t have both of these, send an email to the Division of Corporation of the State of Massachusetts at corpcid@sec.state.ma.us. They will send you the appropriate details/numbers you need as soon as possible.
Step 3: Once you have logged in successfully, follow the instructions provided on the web page by providing the necessary information to complete the process.
Step 4: The last step will prompt you to enter your payment details in order to make the payment of the filing fee with a Credit/Debit card. After entering the payment details, you can then submit your LLC annual report.
You can also take the help of professional services such as ZenBusiness or Legalzoom to help you as your registered agent.
Your annual report will be processed by the State of Massachusetts between 1 to 2 working days.
Important Reminders
The State of Massachusetts will send a reminder to you or the registered agent of your LLC a few months before the date your LLC annual report is due. However, it is still advisable that you set your own reminder to reduce the chance of forgetting to the minimum.
What Is the Difference Between an LLC annual Report and LLC Partner Tax?
Most company owners mistake LLC annual Report and LLC Partner Tax as being the same. Due to this misconception, they either miss filing one or the other. If you have multi-member LLCs, which means you have two or more owners, you must file for LLC Partner Tax.
Other Transactions You Can Do Under the annual Reports and Change Services
Aside from filing your company’s LLC annual Report, here are the other business documents that can be generated through the annual Reports and Change Services:
- Changing of registered agent/office
- Reinstating a business entity
- Closing a business
There are two possible reasons you might want to change your LLC’s assigned registered agent. First, you are dissatisfied with your existing agent and would like to change services. Second, you are your own agent and would like to get the services of a registered agent.
Regardless of the reason, you’ll need a registered agent for your company. This is because an LLC licensed agent plays a vital role in every company. In this case, your registered agent is the official representative of your company.
For example, suppose the state needs to contact your company for some legal matters. In that case, there should be an authorized representative where they can send legal documents.
- Reinstating a business entity
One reason for filing a reinstatement is that your LLC faced dissolution due to non-filing of the annual Report or paying taxes.
Of course, aside from these, some of the other tasks you can perform in the annual Reports and Change Services:
- File an amendment
- Business name search
- Change tax/Employer registration record
Finally, you now know how to file your company’s LLC annual Report in Massachusetts. Making sure you comply with this requirement is essential to avoid penalties or the dissolution of your company.
In this case, to avoid forgetting your annual reporting, it’s best to organize your calendar. It’s recommended to set a reminder two months before your date of filing.
After all, as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to abide by the government’s ordinance to avoid penalties for your company.